Thursday, May 31, 2012

This Cruel Yet Beautiful World

When asked, some people may associate this world with Hell. They would list off all the horrific events that they hear. They might tell you about the current world conflicts, the various diseases, the crimes occurring around the city. These people might only see the dark side to every shadow, the emptiness of every glass. Or rather, they choose to only see these things.

Some people may claim this world to be a wonderful haven. They could list all the wonderful things they are grateful for. They might talk about old friends, a loving family, good health, a steady income. These people see the light that produces the shadow, the milk in the half-full glass.

Now who is more right? Perhaps the answer is not clearly black or white.

Yes, the world is full of cruelty, but it is also full of beauty. Each thing has its own time and place, whether it is good or bad. Sometimes we need to sit in the darkness, and sometimes we need the strength of the light. Life has its ups and downs, and it is only when we brave the storms that we can see the sunrise. Sometimes the glass is half empty, and other times it is half filled. It depends on the day.

Though some people choose to filter out the good or the bad, a true life experience includes both sides of the coin. Blocking out one thing or another does not make it go away. Just as a day includes both night and day, life includes both the good and the bad. The bad are what teach life lessons, after all. 

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